Pets and Vets Podcast

Pets & Vets is a weekly pet advice program with Together FM (kindly sponsored by Premier Pets, Ballyfermot) where our veterinary team discuss various topics relating to pet care, responsible pet ownership and answering questions from Together FM listeners.

A visit to our Walkinstown mobile clinic

A visit to our Ballyfermot mobile clinic

Eilish Nicol (RVN) shares top tips on dog walking

Tara Mowlds talks about how Irish Blue Cross mobile clinics operate

All about cats with Geoff Kane & Eilish Nichol (RVN)

Cats and more cats with Eilish Nichol (RVN)

Una O’Toole (Head of Veterinary) services answers your pet questions

Liane Henry (RVN) talks nutrition, diet & vaccinations for pets

Mary Clarke meets Barbara Hogg, Volunteer of the Year Award 2017 nominee

Liane Henry (RVN) talks about caring for older pets

Eilis Nichol (RVN) shares advice on poisonous foods & other hazards for pets

Una O’Toole (Head of Veterinary Services) talks about short-nosed breeds

Eilish Nichol (RVN) on what to consider when getting a pet