Thursday 10 Mar 2022
Leaving a Legacy to The Irish Blue Cross
Your gift will support our work into the future, allowing your legacy and love for pets to live on.
You may have heard the term ‘legacy giving’ or ‘bequest’ but weren’t sure what it meant. It is quite simply planning to make a difference, both for you and for a charity or cause you really care about, through a charitable gift in your will.
The goal of these gifts is to ‘leave a legacy’ that can have a positive or even transforming impact when you are gone. Legacy gifts have played a significant role in allowing us to expand our small animal services in recent years and helps us to continue treating the thousands of sick and injured pets every year.
Once family and loved ones are looked after in your will, consider how you else you can help. Whether it’s a modest sum or a small percentage of your will, leaving a gift to The Irish Blue Cross can support our work into the future and ensures that your love for pets lives on. If you don’t already have a will in place, we recommend that you seek independent professional advice from a solicitor who will help you in the process of making one. If you already have a will in place, your solicitor can help you update it to include a legacy gift.
Nobody knows what the future holds but leaving a legacy gift in your will is an amazing way for you to continue your support of our work after you are gone. To find out more about remembering The Irish Blue Cross in your will, you can speak with us in the strictest confidence by calling Paul on (01) 4163032 or you can email legacy@bluecross.ie. Your legacy could safeguard the future of The Irish Blue Cross, and help us, help pets like Rocco.
The Irish Blue Cross are members of My Legacy. My Legacy is a group of over 100 Irish charities who actively promote legacy giving and urge the public to consider leaving a legacy gift in your will. Find out more in the video below!